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About The ODD Witch...told in 3rd person so it doesn't sound conceited!

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Tara started her online career almost 10 years ago. Her first venture was a luxury lingerie store! (Mostly fetish inspired!)

All while living in a R.V. and using borrowed wi-fi.

You can listen to the Fake Interview about her below. 

Or... If you prefer to read, you can check out the transcript.


About The Odd WitchFake Interview
00:00 / 04:59

Tara (00:00)
All right, so today we are going deep on someone who really piqued my interest. You know I love a good curve ball, and this one is a doozy. We're looking at Tara, who also goes by the odd witch. Catchy, right? Definitely memorable. And she brings together, get this, intuition, astrology, business advice. It's like someone threw a bunch of stuff at a dartboard, blindfolded, and somehow hit a bullseye. I am intrigued. You know my background in like,

deciphering what makes businesses tick. And this is unlike anything I've really dug into. Right. So we've got some of her stuff here and she talks about quirky, mystic entrepreneurs, which is a mouthful. But what does that even mean in real life terms? Like, is she advising fortune tellers on their marketing funnels or something? It's brilliant when you think about it, right? Like that phrase alone tells you exactly who her ideal client is. Someone who's not afraid of a little, let's say, unconventional thinking. Exactly. She's attracting people.

who vibe with that energy, who might feel misunderstood by your typical business coach. This is niche marketing, but like next level. And speaking of vibes, she also talks about radical generosity, which sounds lovely in theory, but how does that actually play out in a business context? Is she just giving away free tarot readings with every purchase? Well, and this is where things get interesting. Radical generosity can mean a lot of things, right? It could be over delivering for clients.

going above and beyond, really fostering a strong community. Which honestly are all solid business practices, whether you're into custoles or not. Exactly. And I think that's what's important to remember here. She's packaging it in a way that speaks to her specific audience, but the underlying principles are sound. OK, so we've got smart marketing, solid principles, but then there's the, shall we say, elephant in the room. The woo -woo factor. Exactly. Because she's very open about incorporating things like, I don't know.

energy work into her business advice. Is this legit or is it all just part of the brand? Okay. So think about it this way. Have you ever had a gut feeling about a decision? Even if like logically it didn't make sense. absolutely. lot of entrepreneurs would say that's intuition, right? Like tapping into something beyond just the numbers. Tara might call it aligning with the moon phases, but the core idea is the same.

paying attention to your own internal compass, however that manifests for you. I'm picking up what you're putting down, like whether you buy into the whole astrology thing or not. Just the act of, say, scheduling your week around your energy levels is probably a good thing for productivity, right? Exactly. It's all about self -awareness, and that seems to be a big part of her approach. And you know what's interesting? You mentioned she used to run a fetish lingerie company. Right. Like, talk about niche. Exactly. So this isn't her first rodeo.

with a very specific target audience. It seems like she's learned a thing or two about owning your lane. So maybe that experience shaped her current path. Going from lingerie to mystic business coach isn't exactly a straight line. It's fascinating though, right? It suggests that she's not afraid to be bold, to really put herself out there. And that's crucial for building a brand. You're not going to please everyone, so you might as well be authentically you and attract the people who vibe with that.

It's like she's pre -filtering her clients, saying, hey, if you're looking for a stuffy consultant in a suit, keep walking. And that's powerful, because the people who do resonate with that, they're going to be her biggest fans, her most loyal clients, because she's speaking directly to them. OK. So we've covered a lot of ground here. But I'm curious, beyond the specific tools she uses, whether it's crystals or spreadsheets, are there any universally applicable business lessons we can learn from Tara's approach?

even if we're not about to change our business cards to Mystic Consultant. Absolutely. I think the biggest takeaway here is the importance of alignment. Tara is deeply committed to aligning her work with her values, her personality, her sense of humor even. And that's something anyone can benefit from, figuring out what makes you tick, what energizes you, what feels authentic to you, and then building your business around that. It's about finding your own version of magic, even if it's not actual magic. Right. Precisely.

For some people, that might be incorporating rituals into their work day. For others, it might be setting strong boundaries to protect their time and energy. It's all about figuring out what works for you. Wow, this has been enlightening. it's not necessarily about becoming astrology experts, but maybe the real takeaway is that there's power in embracing what makes you unique, what makes you, well, you, and letting that inform your work. I think that's a great way to put it. Get a little bit of woo, however you define that for yourself, actually make you a better

happier, more fulfilled entrepreneur? That is the question. And on that note, I think we'll wrap up our deep dive into the wonderfully weird world of Tara, the odd witch. If you're curious to learn more, you can find her website link in the show notes. Until next time.

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