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Unveiling the Mystique: A Journey through the History of Covens

What do you think of when you hear the word, "coven"? If you're like most people, you immediately, think of a group of super "WOO" women, chanting in pointy black hats and taking themselves WAY too seriously! Casting spells and dancing around a fire with their eyes rolled back into their heads because," the magic is coursing through their aura".

Like most things to do with any sort of magical living, it's been exaggerated by movies and books. But in a modern era of mystics, most of the above described scene is complete hogwash!

The word 'coven' is derived from Old French and in the 1500s meant a “meeting, gathering, assembly”. Around 1660 it also came to mean “a gathering of witches”.

So, basically, according the the above definition, it's just a gathering of like minded individuals and somewhere along the way became a "dirty" word due to ignorance and superstitions about magic, energy work, herbalists, midwives... and anything else a patriarchal society was afraid of at the time.

A.k.a. any woman that didn't obey the rules governed by men or stroke his ego (*cough, cough....) on command.

You know... a witch!

Now before you think I'm some sort of "man-bashing" feminist..... I'm not. I love men and all of the wonderful things they bring to the table. I understand that we need each other. You know the yin and the yang, positive and negative, masculine and feminine.


I'm also here to say that for a woman, even in this modern era, it's hard to find a space that speaks to our feminine nature.



When it comes to business.

If you're a female entrepreneur, or side hustler, you know this all too well.

You get so excited by your new idea. Do a little internet research and you're quickly bombarded with all of the "bro-marketing."

And the worst part is when you do finally find that woman entrepreneur that is also using all the "bro-tactics" all while saying she's somehow different.

Here's the thing....

I don't even fault these women and men that are out there trying to teach what they've learned along the way. Some of it is great information.

That woman has just learned that she can win the game by playing with their rules. If she leans into her masculine energy, she can play with the big boys.

Every woman reading this right now, knows exactly what I'm talking about. We've all done it. Leaned into that masculine energy to "fit in" and be taken seriously. (She's known as the b*tch at the office.... hint: if you think no one at your office is the b*tch, you just might be the b*tch.)

Then you have the opposite.

The woman that leans WAY into her feminine energy to get what she wants. (If you're honest with yourself, you've done this one before as well. (She's known as the slut of the office. Or maybe you call her the gold digger.)

The ideal is to find a way to lean into both of your masculine and feminine energy to guide you to creation.

The creating of whatever that thing inside of you longs for.

This, after all, IS the definition of creation.

Male and Female meet, do a dance... and whamo! Creation!

Even in same-sex marriages, usually one partner exudes a more masculine energy and one a more feminine energy. (I know there are always exceptions to the rule!)

I also want to add that masculine / feminine energy doesn't mean your gender, it means energy. Your approach to things and situations. Your reactions. Your energy.

We all have both.....regardless of gender.

The ideal would be to find a way to blend and use both to CREATE a life and business that you love.

A way to honor both your masculine and feminine and also to know WHEN to lean into these polarities of energy that you possess.


Allow me to introduce you to The ODD Coven.....

This is growing community of modern, mystical women created with you in mind.

AND.... it's FREE to join right now!

Don't worry.... it's NOT another Facebook group for you to join and follow all the rules.

It's created and delivered to you in a fancy-dancy app! Which means it works on ANY device.....including your smartphone!

In The ODD Coven, you'll find all the "woo woo" stuff your heart desires, along with awesome business resources to help you start that side hustle or business.


An amazing group of other female change makers ready to take over the world!

You can find it at

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